Title: Walk Into Me
Author: Jill Prand
Genre: Romance, New Adult
Series: Walking, Book #2
Publication Date: January 17th, 2014
Author: Jill Prand
Genre: Romance, New Adult
Series: Walking, Book #2
Publication Date: January 17th, 2014
I know I will never get over her. Watching her walk away with him ripped my heart out and left it bleeding on the floor. But I can’t hide anymore. I have to face my life without her.
Brad has been in love with Lisa for as long as he can remember. One night years ago they took each other’s virginity but while it was the best night of Brad’s life, for Lisa it was a way to forget about Bobby. Or was it?
Brad re-emerges right when Lisa needs him most. Only Brad knows everything about her and when Lisa’s insecurities come to the surface the shoulder Lisa needs is Brad’s. Now Brad has to decide if he has it in him to trust his heart.
Brad has been in love with Lisa for as long as he can remember. One night years ago they took each other’s virginity but while it was the best night of Brad’s life, for Lisa it was a way to forget about Bobby. Or was it?
Brad re-emerges right when Lisa needs him most. Only Brad knows everything about her and when Lisa’s insecurities come to the surface the shoulder Lisa needs is Brad’s. Now Brad has to decide if he has it in him to trust his heart.
HOLY CLAM CAKES! Brad, Brad, Brad...YOU ARE AMAZING! And at the same time you truly do deserve more! Another great read by Jill Prand and such a turn for me as in most books we hate the male character for his charm, his verbal lash, his disregard for the female's emotions, but this is not the case for Walk Into Me.
I didn't think that I could hate Lisa anymore than I had from book one! Her playing with emotions because of her own special needs to have two men in her life angered me. I mean, yes, I get it! They are hot, stunning, great in bed, and have their own qualities that make them unique. And, yes, I know it is possible to love two different people but usually from afar, or at least one of them from afar. Not both of them physically and behind the back of another that you "love". But Lisa says she can't live without them and is not sure she can choose. That she may just wait for one of them to walk away, but even then would it make things easier? Knowing that you pushed the other to leave and to break their heart in the process?
The drama is on like donkey kong in book two! So many things are happening and they are happening fast. I kept holding my breath as I read knowing that the shit was going to hit the fan and it did!
AND then the curveball that made me gasp with horror and feeling sick to my stomach!
UGH, Jill Prand will you please let me breathe in the next one lol
Book Flirts by Jessi


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Thank you so much for the great review!! And I'd like to offer a e-set of Watch Me Walk Away and Walk Into Me to one of your readers!! Just let me know the winner!